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Za każdym razem spędzam kilka sekund na zastanawianiu się, czy aby anulować mam anulować czy kliknąć OK 😉 (to drugie).
Maciej Lipiec is an approved Educational Partner of the Interaction Design Foundation, the world’s largest UX Design learning community.
Get 3 months of free membership to learn UX Design here!
Maciej Lipiec is an approved Educational Partner of the Interaction Design Foundation, the world’s largest UX Design learning community.
Get 3 months of free membership to learn UX Design here!
Maciej Lipiec is an approved Educational Partner of the Interaction Design Foundation, the world’s largest UX Design learning community.
Get 3 months of free membership to learn UX Design here!
Maciej Lipiec is an approved Educational Partner of the Interaction Design Foundation, the world’s largest UX Design learning community.
Get 3 months of free membership to learn UX Design here!
Maciej Lipiec is an approved Educational Partner of the Interaction Design Foundation, the world’s largest UX Design learning community.
Get 3 months of free membership to learn UX Design here!
© Maciej Lipiec 2007-2023
© Maciej Lipiec 2007-2023
© Maciej Lipiec 2007-2023
© Maciej Lipiec 2007-2023
Teraz polski Gmail mówi:
Wersja robocza została zmodyfikowana. Czy porzucić zmiany? OK/Anuluj
Ciekawe czy jam to sprawił? 😉